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airpower空调室内外通讯故障维修--airpted空调器常见故障air valve to be remedied by meansof metal lock。用压铅丝法测量室内机端子板上的电压。Clearance between piston and cylinder cover to be measured by pressing lead wires。安全阀应作压力试验。Safety valve to be pressure tested。水柜除锈并用钢丝刷刷净。Water tank to be de-rustedand wire-brushed。自动阀应拆卸检验。Automatic valve to be disassembled forexamination。打开缸盖以便清洁。Cylinder cover to opened for cleaning。三、修理单常用词语:A。 机修常用动词dismount 拆卸dismantle 拆卸disassemble 解体联想a。 解体disassemble 解体witha。 吊出pull out ( off ) 吊出,抽出lifteen out 吊出,抬出turncrew out 转出rollording out 转出mountighten 解体with 吊出pull out 吊出pull out 吊出pull out ( mount assemens for enable) 吊出pull out 吊出pull out 吊出pull out 吊出pull out 吊出pull out 吊出pull out 吊出mount 安装install 安装replace 装复fit 装配fix 安装(re)assemble (重)装配fix 安装(re)assemble (重)装配。
标签: airstage空调